Me and My Girl
24th - 29th April 2006
Director: Nikki Mundell-Poole
Musical Director: David Cawdell
The show revolves around an unapologetically unrefined cockney gentleman named Bill Snibson, a Lambeth costermonger, who is revealed to be the new 14th heir to the Earl of Hareford and his newly-discovered aristocratic relations are horrified.
Bringing him to Hareford Hall, they attempt to educate Bill into the ways of the gentry and to separate him from his cockney girlfriend Sally.
However, he will only receive his inheritance if Sir John and the Duchess approve of him. The Duchess feels that with a little grooming, Bill will be suitable to inherit the title – and the money.
However, she insists that Bill break up with his cockney girlfriend, Sally. Bill refuses to accept the title if cannot keep Sally as his girl. Eventually, Sally is groomed to become more lady-like. Thus, Bill is allowed to inherit the title and keep his girl.
The result? Chaos of the most comical kind! With a host of hilarious characters, witty one-liners and several toe-tapping, uplifting songs (including the famous Lambeth Walk, The Sun Has Got His Hat On and Leaning On A Lamp Post) Me and My Girl is a sublime and sunny treat for all fans of musical comedy!
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